Saturday, June 20, 2015

Cube tricks and tips for competitive exams (11 - 99)

Cube of a natural number is the product obtained by multiplying the number three times. In these a long time is taken by the students due to long tradition method of multiplication. Now I am going give you a tricky method which will help you get the cube of a natural number in quick time.
But as usual practice is the much needed factor of this trick otherwise the motive of giving this trick will be worth less and most importantly you have to essentially learn the cubes from 1 to 10 which is much needed for this trick and a special technique of addition is also to be understood.

Try to understand the concept of Carry Forward Addition with help of demonstrations shown in this topic. Let’s now proceed with the chapter:-

The trick for the range (11 to 99) contains nothing but an algebraic formula with proper and fixed sequence, which should not be disturbed.

Formula :- (a + b)3 = a3 +3a2b + 3ab2 + b3 

                    Where tenth place digit of these numbers is taken as “a”

                              & unit place digit of these numbers is taken as “b”

Important thing is that the sequence of this formula should not be changed.

Cube to be learnt first:-

13  = 1 × 1 × 1 = 1.

23 = 2 × 2 × 2 = 8.

33 = 3 × 3 × 3 = 27.

43 =4 × 4 × 4 = 64.

53 =5 × 5 × 5 = 125.

63 =6 × 6 × 6 = 216.

73 =7 × 7 × 7 = 343.

83 =8 × 8 × 8 = 512.

93 =9 × 9 × 9 = 729.

103 =10 × 10 × 10 = 1000.

Now I am giving the tricky method for calculation of Cube of Natural Numbers

Method :-

Step 1st :- Set the given number in form of (a + b)3.

Step 2nd :- Now expand in the sequence a3 +3a2b + 3ab2 + b3, don’t disturb or change the sequence.

Step 3rd :- Now dissolve the expansion.

Step 4th :- Now apply the Carry Forward Addition to get the required Cube.

Demonstration of above method (Try to Understand the procedure of Carryu Forward Addition):-

113 →   Step 1st    Let a =1 and b =1 and set it as (1 + 1)3
               Step 2nd   Expand it as → 13 + 3 ×( 12 × 1) + 3 × (1 × 12) + 13
               Step 3rd   1 + 3 + 3 + 1
               Step 4th    Arrange it like this by applying carry forward addition → 1331
Get the required answer 113 = 1331

123 →   Step 1st    Let a =1 and b =2 and set it as (1 + 2)3
               Step 2nd   Expand it as → 13 + 3 ×( 12 × 2) + 3 × (1 × 22) + 23
               Step 3rd   1 + 6 + 12 + 8
            Step 4th    Arrange it like this by applying carry forward addition → 1(6+1)28 = 1728
Get the required answer 123 = 1728.

133 →   Step 1st    Let a =1 and b =3 and set it as (1 + 3)3
               Step 2nd   Expand it as → 13 + 3 ×( 12 × 3) + 3 × (1 × 32) + 33
               Step 3rd   1 + 9 + 27 + 27
               Step 4th    Arrange it like this by applying carry forward addition →
                                 1 + 9 + (27 + 2)7 = 1 + (9 + 2)97 = (1 + 1)197 = 2197.
Get the required answer 133 = 2197.

143 →   Step 1st    Let a =1 and b =4 and set it as (1 + 4)3
               Step 2nd   Expand it as → 13 + 3 ×( 12 × 4) + 3 × (1 × 42) + 43
               Step 3rd   1 + 12 + 48 + 64
               Step 4th    Arrange it like this by applying carry forward addition →
                                 1 +12 + (48 + 6)4 = 1 + (12 + 5)44 = (1 + 1)744 = 2744.
Get the required answer 143 = 2744.

153 →   Step 1st    Let a =1 and b =5 and set it as (1 + 5)3
               Step 2nd   Expand it as → 13 + 3 ×( 12 × 5) + 3 × (1 × 52) + 53
               Step 3rd   1 + 15 + 75 + 125
               Step 4th    Arrange it like this by applying carry forward addition →
                                 1 + 15 + (75 +12)5 = 1 + (15 + 8)75 = (1 + 2)375 = 3375.
Get the required answer 153 = 3375.

163 →   Step 1st    Let a =1 and b =6 and set it as (1 + 6)3
               Step 2nd   Expand it as → 13 + 3 ×( 12 × 6) + 3 × (1 × 62) + 63
               Step 3rd   1 + 18 + 108 + 216
               Step 4th    Arrange it like this by applying carry forward addition →
                                 1 + 18 + (108 + 21)6 = 1 + (18 + 12)96 = (1 + 3)096 = 4096.
Get the required answer 163 = 4096.

173 →   Step 1st    Let a =1 and b =7 and set it as (1 + 7)3
               Step 2nd   Expand it as → 13 + 3 ×( 12 × 7) + 3 × (1 × 72) + 73
               Step 3rd   1 + 21 + 147 + 343
               Step 4th    Arrange it like this by applying carry forward addition →
                                 1 + 21 + (147 + 34)3 = 1 + (21 + 18)13 = (1 + 3)913 = 4913.
Get the required answer 173 = 4913.

183 →   Step 1st    Let a =1 and b =8 and set it as (1 + 8)3
               Step 2nd   Expand it as → 13 + 3 ×( 12 × 8) + 3 × (1 × 82) + 83
               Step 3rd   1 + 24 + 192 + 512
               Step 4th    Arrange it like this by applying carry forward addition →
                                 1 + 24 + (192 + 51)2 = 1 + (24 + 24)32 = (1 + 4)832 = 5832.
Get the required answer 183 = 5832.

193 →   Step 1st    Let a =1 and b =9 and set it as (1 + 9)3
               Step 2nd   Expand it as → 13 + 3 ×( 12 × 9) + 3 × (1 × 92) + 93
               Step 3rd   1 + 27 + 243 + 729
               Step 4th    Arrange it like this by applying carry forward addition →
                                 1 + 27 + (243 + 72)9 = 1 + (27 + 31)59 = (1 + 5)859 = 6859.
Get the required answer 193 = 6859.

213 →   Step 1st    Let a =2 and b =1 and set it as (2 + 1)3
               Step 2nd   Expand it as → 23 + 3 ×( 22 × 1) + 3 × (2 × 12) + 13
               Step 3rd   8 + 12 + 6 + 1
            Step 4th    Arrange it like this by applying carry forward addition →(8 +1)261 =9261.
Get the required answer 213 = 9261.

223 →   Step 1st    Let a =2 and b =2 and set it as (2 + 2)3
               Step 2nd   Expand it as → 23 + 3 ×( 22 × 2) + 3 × (2 × 22) + 23
               Step 3rd   8 + 24 + 24 + 8
               Step 4th    Arrange it like this by applying carry forward addition →
                                 8 + (24 + 2)48 = (8 + 2)648 = 10648.
Get the required answer 223 = 10648.

233 →   Step 1st    Let a =2 and b =3 and set it as (2 + 3)3
               Step 2nd   Expand it as → 23 + 3 ×( 22 × 3) + 3 × (2 × 32) + 33
               Step 3rd   8 + 36 + 54 + 27
               Step 4th    Arrange it like this by applying carry forward addition →
                                 8 + 36 + (54 + 2)7 = 8 + (36 + 5)67 = (8 + 4)167 = 12167.
Get the required answer 233 = 12167.

243 →   Step 1st    Let a =2 and b =4 and set it as (2 + 4)3
               Step 2nd   Expand it as → 23 + 3 ×( 22 × 4) + 3 × (2 × 42) + 43
               Step 3rd   8 + 48 + 96 + 64
               Step 4th    Arrange it like this by applying carry forward addition →
                                 8 + 48 + (96 + 6)4 = 8 + (48 + 10)24 = (8 + 5)824 = 13824.
Get the required answer 243 = 13824.

To be continued like this upto 99 only (this trick is valid for 11 to 99).

First of you should practice this trick several times and try to omit the unnecessary steps during the calculations and feel free write for your queries and doubts.

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