Thursday, June 18, 2015

Spotting Errors in English Sentences for SSC Exams

Now I want to discuss with you the procedure of finding the Error in English sentences. These error are grammatical errors, while the error of spellings and punctuation are not entertained in these types of questions. To solve these questions it is first of all very necessary to understand the grammar rule which are to be followed in finding these errors. In this sequence the first chapter which a student must prepare is Syntax chapter,
which covers the various grammar rules for PART OF SPEECH which will help you to solve English (5 to 10) questions of error in all the competitive exams. I would like to recommend you to kindly get through these rules properly and prepare them to follow in error finding questions.   

Now before entering in the world English Grammar I want to share with the basic rule of English Grammar which is properly known as Subject & Verb Agreement

Subject & Verb Agreement :- The use of verb in a sentence according to the person or subject number is concluded as Subject & Verb Agreement.

ü  If Subject is singular then the Verb used with it is also singular in number.
ü  If Subject is plural then the verb used with it is also plural in number.

Singular Subject
Singular Verb
I, You, He, She, It, Ram, Sita, The boy, The girl
Am, is, was, has, Does, Writes, Drinks, Reads, Eats, Goes, Studies, teaches etc.

Plural Subject
Plural Verb
We, You, They, Ram and Shyam, Gita and Sita, The boys, The girls
Are, were, have, Do, write, Drink, Read, Eat, Go, Study, Teach etc.

Noun + -s/ -es / -ies → Plural Noun
Verb + -s/ -es / -ies → Singular Verb

Syntax Rules for Error Finding

Rule No. 1st :- If the subject of any sentence is singular noun, then the verb used in those sentences will also singular verb.

Example :- Mohan (subject) was (verb) always late.

                   He (subject)  will go (verb)  there tomorrow.

Rule No. 2nd :- “I” is used as singular subject but the verb used with it, is both singular and plural in number.

Example :-  I (S. Subject) am (S. Verb) a teacher.

                     I (S. Subject) was (S. Verb) a student.

                     I (S. Subject)  have (P. Verb)  a cycle.

                     I (S. Subject) write (P. Verb)  a letter.

Rule No. 3rd :- “You” is used in both forms singular or plural, but the verb used with it is always plural in number.

Example:- You (S. Subject)  are a student.

                   You (P. Subject)  are engineers.

                   You (S/P. Subject)  are playing.
                                                                                         (To be continued soon...........)

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